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Upcoming Online Classes

Please note changes to the rest of the 2024 calendar. Fall class registration for the classes below starts on August 1. To register, please email

September: Experimental Hand Stitching 3-session Zoom class.
Dates: September 15/22/29; September 17/24/October 1;

September 18/25/October 2.

Registration Starts August 1, 2024

For information on the kit, click here

See the class flyer below or click here for a printable pdf

October: Visible Mending Stories (NEW) 2-session Zoom class.
Dates: October 20/27; October 22/29; October 23/30

Registration Starts August 1, 2024

For information on the kit, click here

See the class flyer below or click here for a printable pdf

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